[Courtesy of Focus Features]

Movie Review: The Bikeriders

07:00 June 25, 2024
By: Fritz Esker

The Bikeriders (2023)

Writer-director Jeff Nichols takes a look at a Vietnam-era Midwestern bikers club in The Bikeriders.

The film's narrator is Kathy (Jodie Comer), a young Chicago woman who marries an enigmatic biker Benny (Austin Butler) shortly after meeting him. Benny is part of the Vandals, a motorcycle club run by laconic tough guy Johnny (Tom Hardy). Kathy narrates the film over a series of interviews with journalist Danny (Mike Faist). The problem with this device is that Kathy's not the main character and telling the story almost entirely from her perspective keeps viewers at arm's length from Benny and Johnny. Benny, in particular, is mostly a closed book to the audience.

These flaws would be easier to forgive if there was a propulsive story driving the film forward. But the script is more a series of vignettes than a start-to-finish story. At times, The Bikeriders feels like it wants to be a variation on Goodfellas. While there are some similarities between the two movies and Goodfellas (a better film) had its own flaws, it had a story that gripped viewers by the collar for most of its runtime. The Bikeriders does not. Also, many of the actors in The Bikeriders are not American. Hardy's accent sounds a lot more like a New York accent than a Midwestern one. Comer does a better job since she actually is attempting a Midwestern accent, but it still doesn't quite sound right.

The Bikeriders is never bad. There are some nice supporting turns from Boyd Holbrook and Damon Herriman. Nichols also includes some striking visuals (a nighttime shot of a phalanx of motorbikes cresting a bridge is a highlight). However, it never really soars.

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