Juan Gomez/Unsplash

Seize Your Moment at Café Reconcile

09:00 September 10, 2020
By: Abbey Hebert

On September 23, Café Reconcile will be hosting a dinner, referred to as "Seizing the Moment," from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. This dinner will consist of four courses served with unique cocktails made with Hendrick's Gin, which comes from a blend of botanicals, rose petals, and cucumbers. Café Reconcile is putting on this event with the New Orleans Wine and Food Experience (NOWFE), which is, as described by their website, a "nonprofit organization with 100 percent of proceeds going to causes that support culinary education." NOWFE also reports that within their 28 years as an organization, they "have raised more than $1.5 million for local nonprofit organizations" in an effort to help New Orleans, its citizens, and its culture all flourish. The proceeds of this event will go towards Café Reconcile's mission: to help young adults between the ages of 16 and 24 navigate their lives through the ministry of reconciliation.

According to their website, Café Reconcile was founded in 1996 by Reverend Harry Tompson in conjunction with Craig Cuccia and Tim Falcon; together, they all aimed to address issues in Central City communities, such as violence, generational poverty, and issues young adults may face freshly out of high school. Cafe Reconcile's Workforce Development Program, an eight-week program that teaches young adults "basic independent living skills, interpersonal skills, and work skills," helps these students gain more confidence upon their entrance to the workforce. This program has helped more than 1,500 young adults between the ages of 16 and 24.

Tickets to "Seizing the Moment" cost $100 per person, and, in order to practice social distancing, tables will only seat two, four, or six people.

Not only will "Seizing the Moment" be a remarkable time filled with friends and family, delicious food, and Hendrick's Gin, it will also help support Café Reconcile and the youth in the New Orleans community.

Café Reconcile: 1631 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd., 504.568.1157, cafereconcile.org.

Purchase tickets here.

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